Tag Archives: trust

The Greatest Love Of All



The Greatest Love Of All: God made you just the way you are! It’s important to understand who you are before expecting everyone else to. A big mistake we make is focusing on what other people think before knowing our own strengths and values. Bosses who never respond positively to anything unless a task is done perfectly, need to be taught how to manage others. Boys who grow up with the preception that being tough is a defining factor, often never feel comfortable in their own skin because this teaches them to be disconnected. Girls who recongize and resist controlling behaviors remove constraints in their life. This is a great start. Other peoples perceptions of you have no value, but what you think about yourself is priceless. You will do things to hurt yourself because you think it will make you feel better. It probally does, temporarily. Looking in the mirror is the best therapy because what you see is what you should love. Embracing the beauty within and in front of you as well as taking time to appreciate what you have to offer is often times underestimated. There is a plethora of data that indicates that if we treat ourselves with the same kindness as we do with others, we would live happier and healthier lives. No amount of feel good substances will change what is in the mirror. If you don’t like what you see, you have the power to change it, no mattter what. The greatest love of all is the love you have for yourself. When you appreciate self love, you won’t to attempt to change anyone because your newfound spirit will invite others to share that glow. Abuse me, lose me.

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Don’t Fight Prayer


Don’t fight it. When you have been stripped down and feel like the world is crashing directly toward you, this is when you must not forget to prioritize your prayers. The choices we make put us in our predicaments, thus a strip down may be required to redirect us. The power of prayer is more profound than you think. Prayer is free and the conversation you have is guaranteed to be heard and listened to. I probably say the most unorthodox words when I pray, but I always have something to say. I stopped caring about the words and focus on my connection with Him. Here is a key point…pray with faith. That means don’t expect anything in the moment, but pray as if it has already been made evident. If you are a Leader, I think your guidance should come from prayer first and everything else, second. We are all leading in some form or fashion. Others will follow if you have wisdom.

“Without a focal point to guide you, you can easily lose your way. That’s why it is so important to stay in communication with Me, living in thankful awareness of My Presence”. ~Sarah Young. Matthew 6:33; John 8:29; Colossians 3:23-24

You have value…Trust IT!



When our value is at risk, it is akin to being deprived of oxygen. Have you ever felt like your efforts were not appreciated? This is the perfect time to hold your head up and trust your integrity. Worrying about why someone else doesn’t know your value will only zap your energy! Defending your value will depleted it more.  If you have done your best and given your all, that effort will be recognized at some point. It may be indirectly related to the current situation. It may surface in a form that you don’t expect. Always trust your integrity and believe in you! Always now that you have value! Don’t let anyone steal your sunshine!